Chromium for weight loss
Chromium for weight loss

chromium for weight loss

Interestingly, they compared a CP supplement at the same time, but that did not result in weight loss which was the case in the ChromeMate supplement.Ī similar study compared 6mg ChromeMate over a 2 month period. Insulin levels in response to a glucose tolerance test (a high carb meal) were also improved (6).

chromium for weight loss chromium for weight loss

However, the ChromeMate supplement group witnessed a 2.4lb weight loss, which may have been more if the diet had been stricter or more controlled. After 8 weeks, the exercise group alone lost no weight, which demonstrates no alteration in diet or energy balance. In one randomized control study, 43 obese women were provided with 4mg (400mcg of chromium), combined with an exercise program. ChromeMate for Fat Lossīased on the mechanisms mentioned above, ChromeMate may be a beneficial fat loss supplement. It also improved HbA1c levels which is a long term marker of carbohydrate tolerance and a good indicator of metabolic health (5). This occurs via a process known as Denovolipogenisis and has been proven in scientific research.Īny supplement, diet or training regime that can help improve carbohydrate management is absolutely key for health, fat loss and muscle growth.ĬhromeMate tested this at Georgetown University and Creighton University and found that 3mg of ChromeMate, which provided 300mg of Chromium, significantly lowered fasting blood glucose levels. When your carbohydrate or blood glucose control is poor you will store more fat. Being insulin resistant means you are more likely to gain weight and be at increased risk of diabetes, obesity and heart disease. Studies have shown a high-carb diet can reduce insulin function or sensitivity. For any bodybuilder this is key, by aiding insulin you will partition more nutrients into the muscle and less away from fat. ChromeMate on Blood Sugar ControlĪs mentioned, Chromium is a key supplement for helping with carbohydrate management. In animal models, where the absorption and retention rate were tested, they found it to be 600% greater than chromium chloride and 300% greater than the common CP (2). One study into ChromeMate showed it is a whopping 18 times more bioactive than other forms of chromium on the market! (1). The research into ChromeMate shows it may help control blood sugar levels, lipid modification and help you maintain a healthy bodyweight. The Science of ChromeMate 101ĬhromeMate is a unique, patented niacin-bound chromium complex that significantly increases the bioavailability, biological activity and efficacy of chromium. Despite its common use, is this the best form available? This article breaks down the science of the common Chromium Picolinate compared with the patented version, ChromeMate. It works alongside insulin to help partition carbohydrates into the muscles and away from fat stores. Today’s article will further help you, the KAGED MUSCLE insider, sift through the noise and make an informed, evidence based decision on supplements.Ĭhromium Picolinate (CP) is a popular supplement for carbohydrate or glucose management.

Chromium for weight loss