Cadtools autocad
Cadtools autocad

Rapidform is one I’ve played with and threatened to do a review of, but have never done it. In conjunction with the digital sculpting is the reverse engineer sofware. It’s one of those things that looks like fun, but I’m not sure I could make a living at it. If I had multiple lives to live, I’d love to be a digital sculptor. Other tools interest me as concept modelers, such as MOI, Shark, and modo. A recent interview on Novedge rekindled my interest in this product. Maybe its just the similarity in the names, but Think3 is another product that I get confused with SolidThinking. For SolidThinking, it appears to be dead center. Complex surface modeling is at best a niche sideline for SW.

cadtools autocad

This looks interesting to me, and could possibly have my type of modeling more squarely in its sights than does SW.

Cadtools autocad software#

I obtained a trial license for SolidThinking, a seemingly overlooked piece of software from the Altair company that is involved in some pretty high end software. I’ve used Rhino off and on, but in the next weeks I will try to write about how Rhino can fit into the workflow for a product designer, plastic part designer or complex shape modeling scenario that is somehow tied to SolidWorks. Of these, there are a couple of products that I want to have a closer look at. I’m looking for considered opinions, not dogma. (Geez, why am I getting defensive about this already? Premonition?) I’m sure I’ve left something out or miscategorized something, and this is the kind of junk that some people get really upset about, so please, no flame war here. Don’t get worked up about the categories. The categories certainly oversimplify things. The categories aren’t meant to be definitive, just to give an indication of where I see the tool fitting or not fitting into what I do. I encourage people with specific experience with some of these products to share what you like or don’t like about the tool, and what kind of work you think it is best suited for. I’m not directly familiar with most of these, and I’m not shilling any products or trying to promote any ultimate solution, just talking about alternatives for various purposes. I wouldn’t use it for architecture, but you might make it work.Īnyway, here is a little list of things I put together about a few CAD products. SolidWorks isn’t great at piping or wiring, either, but it does it.

cadtools autocad

SW certainly has capabilities in complex shapes and plastics, but it is far from ideal for these functions. For example, I’d say that SW is pretty good for stuff like machine design and sheet metal. To some extent it succeeds, but sometimes you might just need specialist tools. SolidWorks seems to try to be a one-stop-shop. What do you need your CAD tool for? You know, not all CAD tools try to be what SolidWorks tries to be. After having used mainly one CAD tool for the last 11 years, it can be difficult to be objective about it or alternatives, but I’ll try. I’ve looked at a few CAD tools, and found things that were important improvements over my current tools, and also things that were impossible compromises. No judgment calls about why, you just might for whatever reason need a different tool. Sometimes you just need a different tool.

Cadtools autocad