Esl auto chess
Esl auto chess

esl auto chess

Keep in mind the level cap too, which is 10.


First off, this is to learn how to play properly in the early days, but then it will evolve into figuring out how to counteract their builds and prepare yourself for coming rounds.īuy levels in the midgame - especially if you’re winning - to increase your chances of finding better units and most importantly, afford you the ability to place extra units on the field. Even though you get a minuscule amount of time to check how another battle is going, you should still keep an eye on what other players are doing. Use this to your advantage to position properly and unpick enemy defences. For example, Pudge in Dota Underlords is a tanky bruiser that can hook enemies out of position from far away. Think about how you would build a team in a regular game of Dota or League - auto chess grafts some of this into the fold with the alliance system so its useful to have a basic knowledge of which heroes work together, whether they’re melee or ranged, and what their special ability is. Positioning is everything in Auto Chess, and so is composition.

esl auto chess

You can lock the lineup of units in the shop phase if you need to wait for some cash too. Be proactive - the earlier the better in most cases, especially if you want an edge on your opponents later in the game.


You can then upgrade it again by making three two star units. Pick up three of the same unit and it will upgrade, bolstering stats. Good general strategiesīuy duplicates of the same units until they rank up - this is the most accessible tip for Auto Chess. Build the best team you can so you can stay on top and keep that essential winning streak, which will give you the money necessary to build an unstoppable legion.

esl auto chess

Outside of that, there aren’t many other goals in Auto Chess beyond outlasting the competition. The higher your level the more units you can have on the field, and the units and items you find will be of greater quality, which is a crucial gateway to success. You want to level up too, naturally via gameplay or by spending gold in the shop phase to speed up the process. Always have long-term composition goals too - whilst in the early game it can be tempting to spend, reroll and rush out two and three-star enemies, you want to think about how they’re going to factor into your wider team and plan accordingly. Manage your limited time properly and you should be able to set up a winning lineup. You’ve always got to be thinking about the next composition - the best Auto Chess players are already steps ahead of their current move.

esl auto chess

Therefore, you want to put the right items on the right heroes to make sure you’ve got a strong team. Damage is calculated by the number of enemies left on the screen when you wrap up and their statistics - if you get squad wiped you’re going to suffer a heavy blow. A string of defeats can ruin you very quickly if you’re not careful, especially if your opponent has multiple two or three-star heroes and you keep wasting your money each round. Keep in mind that you can never regain health in Auto Chess, and it can get quite punishing if you aren’t able to keep pushing out a capable team each round - if you can’t keep up you’ll fall off hard. So the main point of the game is to stay alive.

Esl auto chess