Something in the air dating
Something in the air dating

NATE: 9.Īnd for personality? BRITTANY: I'd say a 9 too. Rate your date on a scale from 1 to 10 for looks BRITTANY: I would say a 9. That's the least attractive thing, but she doesn't do it that much. Like, I feel like I'm asking all the questions, and she's like, "Oh, me," "Oh, I," "Oh, me," "Oh, I," "Oh, me," "Oh, I." It's never like, "Oh, how did you do with that thing?" I just keep asking her questions about everything that she does, and she doesn't. NATE: (Jokes) She farted really loud and that was a little bit weird.

something in the air dating something in the air dating

Now that I'm thinking about it… I don't know. What's the least attractive thing your date has done so far? BRITTANY: I don't know if I would say anything is least attractive. NATE: I felt like the most attractive thing is that she just took that big leap off of that big drop, and I thought that was really, really attractive because she wasn't scared to take risks. He always lets me go first when we go through a door. What's the most attractive thing your date has done so far? BRITTANY: Hmm. | Photo by David Brooks for Pacific Magazine_© 2018 (David Brooks / David Brooks) Pisco, a Peruvian restaurant in Carlsbad. And she came in workout clothes, which is cool. I have no idea what she's wearing… She is dressed lovely, I like her dress right now. No, I'm just kidding, I've never seen her shoes. But he brought a change of clothes, so he has good style. I will say, I came prepared for the trampoline park first, so he appeared overdressed at first. What do you think of the way your date is dressed? BRITTANY: I like the way that he's dressed. So probably not normally, because I would never run into her. She's kind of a "downtown girl," it seems like. I haven't really figured out exactly my type of person, but they have to be funny and adventurous, and he seems to be both of those things. Is this the type of person you'd normally date? BRITTANY: Um, yeah. NATE: My first impression is that she was very pretty and she seemed down to earth. So I could tell he had a sense of humor, so that was good. What were you first impressions of your date? BRITTANY: Well, he brought out his roommates to play guitar and serenade me. How's it going so far? BRITTANY: It's going really well. Now it's time for the daters to slip into some grippy socks before the bouncing begins.īlind daters Britt and Nate began their evening at the House of Air, a trampoline park, in Carlsbad and then headed for drinks and dinner at Pisco, a Peruvian restaurant also in Carlsbad.

something in the air dating

Who could've guessed traffic on the 5 would be this bad during rush hour?įinally, though, the red river of brake lights thins and the limo arrives at the House of Air in time for Nate to relieve himself. The once colorful sky is now darkening shades of blue, and Nate's bladder is about to bust from all the beer he's imbibed. to Carlsbad stretches to well beyond an hour thanks to the countless other cars on the road. What's typically a 30- to 40-minute drive in light traffic from P.B. I wouldn't be where I am today without them! NATE: Is this question mocking me for not being in love? Very funny. What's the most important thing in the world? BRITTANY: Family and my friends who have become my family. Who knows! NATE: My wife is going to hate me, but I'm usually OK with a kiss if sparks fly. Will the night end with a kiss, something more or something less? BRITTANY: If there's a spark, then a kiss might be on the table. NATE: Enough to know where that pesky clitoris thing is.įill in the blanks: I want my blind date to be "blank" and "blank." BRITTANY: Weird and fun. How many people have you slept with? BRITTANY: (Laughs) Nice try! A lady never tells. NATE: If she begins every sentence with "me" or "I." I won't leave the date, but you'll see me ordering a lot more alcohol.

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If they don't know how to treat a waitress, then they definitely don't know how to treat a woman. What traits might your date exhibit that would be complete deal-breakers? BRITTANY: How they act in a restaurant. NATE: What if you just lost your mind and were living a nightmare you couldn't stop? Try to sleep now, I dare ya. I'm not afraid of the ocean or anything, but I have these strange recurring nightmares where giant waves with sharks swimming in them are about to drown me on a beach. What's your biggest fear? BRITTANY: Shark-infested tidal waves. Honestly, who would write 10s for these questions? NATE: I can be pretty hard-headed at times, so I'm going with a seven. Rate yourself on a scale from one to 10 for personality.

Something in the air dating